Software Engineer. Security researcher.
Proudly supports Open Source ❤
[SECURITY] - Hall of Fame for Security researchers:
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Awesome projects
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And… many more!
Selected hackathons & CTF events with my participation (I will not longer update activity here - I love be quite active, but I also like OPSEC):
GitLab Hackathons & Snyk CTF events (for instance) [2022-2023] 🚩
pingCTF [Dec. 2021], participation (a flags captured) :triangular_flag_on_post:
Hacktoberfest 2021 [Oct. 2021], winners :tada:
GitLab Commit Quest [Aug. 2021], winners :tada:
GitLab Hackathon - Q2’2021 [Jun. 2021], winners :tada:
Hacktoberfest 2020 [Oct. 2020], winners :tada:
GitLab Hackathon - Q3’2020 [Sep. 2020], winners :tada:
GitLab Commit Quest [Sep. 2020], winners :tada:
GitLab Hackathon - Q2’2020 [May 2020], winners :tada:
Hash Code - Google’s Coding Competitions, QR [Feb. 2020], participation
GitLab Hackathon - Q1’2020 [Feb. 2020], participation
Enjoy !